+971 050 113 1198


About Us

Pro Secure

Pro secure is a company has over the years established its reputation by constantly expanding their operating base & by offering quality products & service. Pro secure the one Of the First Enocean Alliance Green Building and Security Company in the Gulf, financially strong & with a PSP certified Management Staff. Pro secure working as a Green Building and integrated solutions provider. Dealing with clients to offer the best solutions to meet their requirements, with very latest technology, high quality, reliability & cost effective solutions for all Residential, Retail, Commercial, Industrial, & Government, & all other markets.

  • Consultancy
  • Engineering & Designs
  • Evaluation Surveys
  • Upgrade Surveys
About Us

We strive to protect and secure your assets

نحن نسعى جاهدين لحماية وامان اصولكم

What We Offer

Supply of Material

Design of System

Project Management

System Consultancy

Installation & Commissioning

Engineering & Designs

Maintenance Contract

Operating Training

Our Branches


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